“Jesus does not hesitate to assert that he and the Father are one; and on the basis of the fact and truth of that supreme and supernal experience, he admonishes every kingdom believer to become one with him even as he and his Father are one. The living experience in the religion of Jesus thus becomes the sure and certain technique whereby the spiritually isolated and cosmically lonely mortals of earth are enabled to escape personality isolation, with all its consequences of fear and associated feelings of helplessness.” The Urantia Book (1985.1) (184:4.6)
Vianne’s Tea House
On the way to the next study group meeting we again had dinner at Mandina’s in Mandeville for authentic New Orleans cooking. Good food, good company, what could be better? This time I got a decent picture of Vianne’s Tea House. My first trip to Louisiana a couple of years ago the study group met at Vainne’s house, but she has since passed on to the mansion worlds so her daughter now allows the group to use the Tea House for meetings. One advantage of this is that we get to choose from a literal wall of teas. We read from Paper 72, “Government on a Neighboring Planet,” sections 8 and 9, which deal with special colleges and the plan for universal suffrage; because of our discussions, that is as far as we got.
By now Betty Lou was comfortable with driving the Monster (Ford F350) and, after I pulled out of the campground and drove to a rest area, she drove the full rig, including the Wyoming, my house on wheels, a 36 foot fifth wheel, partway to the next stop in the Florida panhandle. I must admit to a bit of nervousness, but after chewing my fingernails down to nothing… well, actually, she is an excellent driver and I soon quieted down and enjoyed the luxury of being able to see the countryside while moving my house along the highway.
Panama City Group
As shown in the photograph, the second Panama City group was even larger than the first. After a lively discussion, we read from Paper 38, “Ministering Angels of the Local Universe,” through section 2, “Angelic Natures.” Again Meda took pains to explain unfamiliar concepts, it was an uplifting experience. I hope they continue their good work and I look forward to visiting them again next year.
For the move from the Florida Panhandle to Jacksonville, I drove from the campground to the first rest area, and from the last rest area to the Jacksonville campground, but Betty Lou drove the rest of the way, well over 200 miles, and I could again stretch my legs and enjoy the ride, what fun. Backing into the campsite was a bit problematic, but it was an excellent spot once we got settled in since we had a view of Flamingo Lake out our back window. There were no flamingos but several times we saw a flock of over twenty American Coots, and other birds as well.
For a side excursion we visited the Jacksonville Zoo, which was a few miles from the campground. The last time I had been to a Zoo was well into the previous millennium, but the one at Jacksonville is one of the best. Inside the bird pavilion a bird the size of a large vulture landed on a lady’s outstretched arm and she posed for pictures, she was a visitor but the bird apparently liked her. The giraffe picture was not taken with a telephoto lens, the viewing area was an elevated platform and this lovely specimen wandered up close to where we were standing. For a couple of dollars you could buy some leafy branches and feed them. There was also a butterfly exhibition where you could walk amongst plants and get up close to the multicolored wonders flying about. The weather was fine but we felt the air change and so we started to leave, there were a few raindrops before we got back to the Monster and just after we got back to the campground it rained harder. A fun day at the Zoo.
Pam’s house is located on a cul-de-sac, which was totally filled by the time I got the Monster parked. Frequently when I have been to her group in previous visits there has been only three of us, this was much better. It is always interesting to meet other students of The Urantia Book and discuss the epochal revelation. We read Paper 177, “Wednesday, the Rest Day.” This paper contains one of my favorite stories in the entire book, the lad John Mark offered to carry the lunch basket when Jesus wanted to go off by himself to worship, he even hung on to the basket as the Master attempted to take it from him. He was rewarded with day alone in the hills with the creator of a universe!
At last it was time for Betty Lou to fly back to south Florida and for me to head further north. This was an excellent adventure, and we both enjoyed the experiences. Don’t tell anybody, but I think she will want another journey, who knows!
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