This posting is mainly concerned with thoughts about
our recent trip to the Parliament of the World’s Religions held last fall in Salt
Lake City, Utah. We will examine
interesting parallels between this meeting and a journey Jesus took before he
embarked on his public teaching tours with the apostles. The Salt Lake City gathering was thrilling
and satisfying on many levels; each of us experienced encounters with people of
different cultures. Next there is a short
commentary on an unusual tree that was along a trail in the woods not far from
here and finally we have one more photo of our house, which is now looking like
a home.
The theme of the first quotation is “human unity and
mortal brotherhood,” while the theme for the second is well, see below.
Human unity and mortal
brotherhood can be achieved only by and through the superendowment of the
religion of the spirit. Racial minds may differ, but all mankind is indwelt by
the same divine and eternal spirit. The hope of human brotherhood can only be
realized when, and as, the divergent mind religions of authority become
impregnated with, and overshadowed by, the unifying and ennobling religion of
the spirit — the religion of personal spiritual experience. The
Urantia Book (1732.1)
Based upon our experiences in Salt Lake City there is hope that this process has begun, that these religions of authority are beginning the transformation toward the religion of the spirit. We pray that such changes continue.
Book Booth at Parliament of the World’s Religions
One thousand nine hundred ninety years ago Jesus stopped at a place called Lake Urmia and gave a series of lectures at an amphitheater dedicated to the spirit of religion (1485.3). The title of these lectures was “The Kingdom of God” and the “Kingdoms of Man.” Recently we attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Salt Lake City and this gathering had goals similar to the one Jesus attended. While there are significant differences between these events, it is interesting to compare them in an effort to ascertain how our own religious experiences could be enhanced: both our personal experiences and our interactions with sisters and brothers of different faiths.
Lake Urmia is located in what is now northwest Iran,
east of the Caspian Sea and it is a salt lake similar to the one in Utah not
far from the conference center where the recent Parliament was held;
interestingly both lakes now have a city nearby with the same name as the
The guiding principle behind the center at Lake Urmia
was different religions interacting and sharing their viewpoints in a peaceful
manner. In our times the Parliament
website declares: “The Parliament of the World's Religions was created to
cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and
foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to
achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world.” The only requirements for religions to
participate at Lake Urmia were that they must believe in a God and that they
interact peacefully. The Parliament was
somewhat more open minded, even atheists had a booth there. Some numbers from the Parliament are: 9,806
participants, 73 countries represented, 30 major religions, 548 sub-traditions,
1800 presenters and more than 1000 programs.
at closing ceremonies
When we looked at the photos of the opening ceremony different cultures were sitting apart from each other with little interactions, but this photo of the closing event shows cross cultural interactions. It is these personal interactions, which were a result of the Parliament, that make such gatherings significant.
It would be
impossible to attempt any depiction of the one thousand programs or the
countless casual interactions during this powerful gathering. First however, there was an interesting
interaction before the proceedings began.
When we arrived at the airport we called our hotel and were told that
their shuttle had just left, that we should take a taxi to the hotel and they
would pay the driver. When we were
underway the taxi driver asked why we were there. We replied that we were attending the
Parliament of the World’s religions. He
said in a derogatory manner that he heard even Muslims were attending it. (In fact a highly placed Muslim leader would
speak at the gathering.) We replied that
the purpose of the gathering was to meet and interact with people of all
faiths, that we are all sisters and brothers.
It turned out that he was Muslim and was testing us. He asked what religion we followed and we
said that we believe religion should be a personal experience between the
individual and God. He paused to think
about that and then went into a long monolog about his faith. Actually he was so involved in his thoughts
that he missed the turn to the hotel, it took him a moment to reorient himself
and find the hotel. Perhaps we gave him
something to think about.
At the Parliament there
were hundreds of booths sponsored by various religious groups where we could
interact with individuals of vastly different backgrounds and learn about their
beliefs. When we were not manning the
Urantia Book booth we wandered through the displays. People of the Sikh faith believe they should
feed those in need, therefore every day at noon they fed thousands of those in
attendance. First they had us remove our
shoes, cover our heads and sit on the floor.
The food was excellent; we later heard that the day we ate there the
food was the spiciest of all and while I could not begin to describe the food,
we certainly enjoyed it. I have photos
of the line on the first day, it appeared endless. We noted the security guards on the way into
the convention building, they appeared to have nothing to do and this is what
the gathering was all about. This is
what our planet needs more of, people of different cultures interacting with
and seeking to understand those who are different, those who have a different
belief system.
Returning to Urmia,
the efforts toward religious harmony there proceeded uninterruptedly for
several years until after the death of the founder of this facility when his
oldest son asked one of the Christian leaders to send someone to be on the
faculty. It is unfortunate that those
who were sent to Urmia were inflexible and unyielding in their interactions
with the other religions and as a result this center of religious harmony
closed five years after their arrival. The
failure of the Urmia meetings emphasizes the importance of being flexible in
our dealings with those of different cultures and religions. Cultural interactions broaden our outlook in
ways that are vital to our spiritual growth; real advancement in spiritual
awareness cannot be obtained in isolation.
At our meeting in
Salt Lake City we observed harmony and a sincere attitude to understand other
religions and cultures. Meetings such as
this must continue and grow so that feelings of brotherhood may increase. It is upon this spirit of intercommunication
and working together that the spiritual progress of our planet depends.
On a personal level
these interactions with different faiths are satisfying and uplifting. Again, we cannot make personal spiritual
growth in isolation. We need these
exchanges of belief and shared comradery that are the natural outcome of such
The Parliament has
been held infrequently, one every four years or more, but this year they
announced they will hold them more frequently.
For more information about the Salt Lake City gathering and the other
work the Parliament is carrying out check out their website at: Parliament of the World's
Religions. They are truly
doing great work.
Corkscrew tree
I was doing a power walk on a trail not far from our house when I spotted this interesting tree. It has a corkscrew scar where a vine was wrapped tightly around it but the vine is now hanging loose, severed at the bottom. This tree grew and withstood the squeezing vine long enough to leave a deep scar, however eventually the tree won when the vine lost its connection with the ground. Zooming in reveals that the bark within the scar is intact and the bottom of the vine shows a rough end so it was not cut. The intact bark indicates that the tree was not seriously harmed. Whether someone helped to liberate the tree or the tree grew enough to sever the vine or whatever else may have happened will never be known. And so it is with us, we may be squeezed by insurmountable difficulties with apparently no clear way out, but if we likewise persevere we will triumph over whatever adversity we may face. At any rate, this is now a free tree.
Our dwelling place is rapidly becoming a home; we proudly display this banner and acknowledge it frequently. Outside the window the trees are barely visible, it was a foggy day and it was a delight to have a safe, warm space to be.
[T]he banner of Michael, the
material emblem of the Trinity government of all creation, the three azure blue
concentric circles on a white background.
The Urantia Book (605.8)
The symbol of the three concentric circles, which
Melchizedek adopted as the insignia of his bestowal, a majority of the people
interpreted as standing for the three kingdoms of men, angels, and God. And
they were allowed to continue in that belief; very few of his followers ever
knew that these three circles were emblematic of the infinity, eternity, and
universality of the Paradise Trinity of divine maintenance and direction…. The Urantia Book (1016.5)
[Melchizedek] wore
an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise
Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric
circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to
use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations. The
Urantia Book (1015.5)
All photographs are by Doug Cable